

The Measurer and the Master Taker of Notes I describe everything I can think of.  Cancelled colours.  Just you tied low to a post binding marks on wrists and ankles.  Born animal blissful.  Re-seen mural of a desert oasis.  Small small thing ribs squeezed until they touch together and crack.  Hair in pretty ribbons.  Noise of laughter and unwound bandages trailing behind you.  Barren clay hills.  Someone else’s life.  Pitch of voice tight.  Here you go - Hello Kitty candy-pink alarm clock.  Here you go - handfuls of human hair.  Ejaculate and piss on her.  Smear blood on the wall above her cot.  See through walls.  See her crouched inside a plastic box outside the Centre Pompidou.


Amphetamine Sulphate

I’m that once-a-month bleeding bitch
seeing people vanishing / just melting on the street
as if they had no hands / or lower jaw
just barely-moving meat / and nothing fucking more

see the direction lines are moving in?
abandoned bodies thrown down trembling
considering life one big zero / consider this:
new diseases on the way / more and more every day

half a ton of guts ballooning out and viewed close up
bodies banked and waiting / leaking pus and pain
here comes a candle / to light you to your bed
here comes a chopper / to rob you of your head

just in time for a slap-up fucking decline
and the pendulum mind swinging back again
I’m that every day fucking seer
of the open legs / and wet bed smear

chomping my jaw like i’m on ecstasy
hanging from the highest hell or
speaking openly of a body that fails
capable of rejection & morbid contradiction

and it’s my delight on a starless night to bomb the bourgeoisie
or be vacuous / cunt-faced / chewed apart by sadness
trainee care programme hopeful / dishevelled and fumbling
fearing fucking up on the first day but staying / anyway

I’m that once-in-a-lifetime actor locked in position
endless repetitions of yellowed teeth and the bones beneath
fucking slag bastards eugenics and race science
bulldozed violence against the women and the land

rule no.1
pin him high and spread him wide
rule no.2
shoot all the people in a single line
rule no.3
when or where / i don’t care
rule no.4: suck out the brains / bury the remains
pain so bad / get out of bed / and start walking into walls
bedtime neurology / numerology / raising the count
or the dead / not even a fucking number any more

done for credit card fraud
and angel dusting holes in time
that’s me / skinny / empty
hands held out
pride in pulling off small scams
all gone
all gone
learn to forget
the stats on infinity
and bargain bin
false conformity
up four flights of dirty stairs
no soap no towels
cope the best you can / aware
of the bored stiff rich men
daydreamers of fingers and tongues
and business is business but you gotta be an actress
sincerely believing
that everybody’s broken / and everybody suffered
and if you can’t / fake it / tape your mouth shut
or fuck it / and quit / checking doors over and over
adding up the cost
of all that’s been lost
the lifelong con / tear it out by the fucking root
faded and useless
the everlasting in bright disorder
sweet sweet honey / on the razor’s edge
baby mouths all coloured / permanent red
leave the taps running and the floorboards give way
dumbstruck like butchers sons / groping for lungs
or jolly Jack Ketch / left alone in a keep
hacking blindly / at sentries in their sleep
left is right and up is down
and outside the town
the hares gorge on guts and hunt with drums


Do Your Saints Always Wear The Same Dress?

take a load off Horseshoe Harriet
take a load off Buckskin Girl
take a load off Miss Mary Eve
take a load and put the weight on me
take a load off Little Miss X
take a load off Sahara Sue
take a load off Bitter Creek Betty

take a load and put the weight on me
take a load off Baby Michael
take a load off Miss Molly Doe
take a load off Valentine Sally
take a load and put the weight on me
just take the load off Rainbow Falls
take the load off Delta Dawn
take the load off the Lady in the Dunes
take the load off the Girl in the Trunk
take the load off Christy Crystal Creek
take the load and put the load right on me

each one / picture perfect
fifty to a cage / camera pans up
black clouds scud / towards the west
ugly ideas / no matter what
huge bites of dirt / or worse
classes / in animal sciences
heat waves / on the road
the yearlong con / grown older
dreams of flying / over countryside
vivid fields below
jerky chemical movements
death passing / through the doors
moving down the halls
spinal cord / still intact
miles and miles
of never-ending woodland
lakes and rivers / no awareness
just pure / inexplicable bliss
unexistable hypnosis

the great green / planet Earth